The Vajra represents "Upaya" (skillful means). When made to be worn as a pendant or charm bracelet, it reminds the wearer, and the viewer, of the supreme indestructibility of knowledge.
- Material of bracelet: South African Natural Red Sandalwood
- Charm: Hand-Carved Premium Grade Copper Vajra & Bell.
- Uses & Purpose: Confidence & focus when attempting unfamiliar tasks or challenges. Perfect for a still & eased mind during meditation or contemplation.
- Charm Symbolizes: Vajra & Bell
- Secondary Materials: White Copper Spacers & Lamp-work Spacers
- Size of the beads: 8 mm in diameter
- Made By: Buddhist Artisans
The vajra is also extensively used in the rituals of the tantra where it symbolizes the male principle that represents method, while the Bell symbolizes the female principle representing compassion. Their interaction leads to enlightenment.
The bell is the most commonly used of all musical instruments in tantric Buddhist rituals. The sound made by the bells is believed to drive out evil spirits from where the ritual is being performed.
During meditation, ringing the bell represents the sound of Buddha teaching the dharma and symbolizes the attainment of wisdom and the understanding of emptiness.